What are Blogcasts?

Tremr Blogcasts are a way of creating communities within Tremr, usually centered around a particular topic, or an existing community like a podcast (hence the name!).

Here is an example of a real Tremr Blogcast: https://www.tremr.com/london-futurists/

Only members of a Blogcast can add new posts or respond to posts within a Blogcast, but all Tremr users can read and rate posts.

If you see a padlock icon beneath the reply box at the bottom of any post on Tremr it means that you need to be a member of that particular Blogcast to post a response.

If the Blogcast has a 'Join' button on its homepage you can apply to become a member.

Blogcasts posts will also appear on the profile page of the author and on tag pages and other list pages on Tremr, but wherever they are shown they will retain the same rules around posting responses.

TIP: You can quickly jump to any Blogcast that you're a member of via quick links in your sidebar menu (just click your profile avatar image to access this menu)

Posting in a Blogcast

To write a new post in a Blogcast that you're a member of, click the New Post button on the Blogcast homepage. Everything posted into a Blogcast will also be shown in your personal Tremr profile, but replies will only be allowed from other Blogcast members.

IMPORTANT: Clicking the regular new post button or icon outside of a Blogcast's homepage will post to your personal Tremr profile NOT into any Blogcast. To post into a Blogcast you MUST click the New Post button on the Blogcast homepage. Once posted in your personal Tremr profile, a post cannot be moved into a Blogcast.

To reply to posts in a Blogcast that you're a member of, just click in the reply box at the bottom of the post as normal.

NOTE: Blogcasts are currently a beta feature and may not be available to all users yet

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