Creating and Editing a Blogcast
Creating a new Blogcast
If you have the Blogcast feature available you will see the 'New Blogcast' option beneath the New Post button in your side panel menu (just click your avatar image to access this menu).
Clicking the New Blogcast option will open up the Blogcast creation page.
The Info tab contains all the details about your Blogcast. Use this to customise how your Blogcast page will look. Note that all of these details can be edited later if you wish, but it's not recommended to change your Blogcast 'Name' and 'Address' fields after launch so take some time in selecting these!
The Members tab is where you can invite Tremr members to become a member of your Blogcast.
Just click in the 'Invite a member' field and begin typing the username or email of a Tremr user. As you type, a list of matching users will appear.
Click on the users name/image to add them to your Invited list.
You can repeat this process and invite as many Tremr users as you like.
IMPORTANT: The users in your Invited list will not be sent Blogcast invites until you click Launch on your Blogcast.
You can go between the Info and Members tabs as much as you want, tweaking your Blogcast info and adding or removing people from the Invited list.
After click the Launch button you will be taken to the page for your shiny new Blogcast!
Editing a Blogcast
To edit the details of your Blogcast at any point, just click the 'gear' icon at the top of the page.
This will open the edit page where you can change any details you wish, including managing Blogcast members. Make sure to click the Save button to save any changes.
NOTE: Blogcasts are currently a beta feature and may not be available to all users yet