Stars and Reputation
Members and posts on Tremr accrue reputation, based on ratings and reactions from other Tremr members. Reputation is shown as star icons, with 'clear' stars representing a member's overall reputation level and 'solid' stars representing a member's contextual reputation in specific topics.
When you move your cursor over the stars on a post (or click on them if you're on a phone) this panel will appear showing a breakdown of the member's reputation, both overall and in the topics relevant to the post.
Relevant topics are assigned to posts automatically using our unique 'machine learning' algorithm.
[NOTE: These assigned topics will also be automatically added to the post as tags to aid in navigation and discovery. See here for more details:]
To see your own reputation stats on Tremr just click on your avatar on the top right of the page and in the menu select Reputation to open the reputation sidebar.
The circular shaded bar shows your progress towards your next overall reputation star, while the number and stars beneath your avatar image show your current overall reputation score.
The Trust and Respect gauges are there to help you understand how trustworthy and respectful the community is finding your posts. They are not visible to other members but are simply there to give you a steer. Read more about trust and respect here:
At the bottom is a list showing your contextual reputation in various topics.
Of course it takes time to build a reputation, so new members will have low reputation scores at first. With this in mind, we've introduced a dedicated 'New User' badge. You'll see this wherever a users avatar image is shown on the Tremr site. This lets you know they're just getting going and is an invitation to check out their posts and welcome them to the Tremr community!