Trust and Respect

Trust and respect are two of the core principles of Tremr. To reflect this, Tremr members and posts may accrue (or lose) trust and respect based on their interactions with other Tremr members.

To see your trust and respect scores just click on your avatar at the top right of the page and in the profile menu select Reputation to open the reputation sidebar. You will see these two gauges showing your scores.

(NOTE: We assume the best about all Tremr members so a neutral 'zero' score for trust or respect is actually ok. Any scores above zero show that other members see you as particularly trustworthy and respectful.)

Your trust and respect ratings are only visible to yourself, not shown publicly to other members. They’re a measure of how trustworthy and respectful your Tremr posts and interactions are as judged by the reactions of other Tremr members. For example if enough members click the ‘misleading’ reaction tag on one or more of your posts this may impact your trust rating. 

There are safeguards built in to avoid members maliciously affecting other members' ratings.

As mentioned, the trust and respect ratings are private, so are generally just an interesting steer to yourself on how you’re doing. However, if either rating falls very low then your posts(s) or profile may accrue a 'low trust' or 'low respect' badge. These badges are shown to all Tremr readers and are there to give readers a steer as to which writers they may want to take with a grain of salt!

If a particular post reaches a notably low level of trust or respect then one of the following badges will be shown on the post: Likewise if a Tremr member reaches a low level of trust or respect, one of these badges will be shown wherever their profile name appears on the site:

These badges are there to remind people of Tremr's core principles as well as to flag to readers which members and content may be less trustworthy.

Members can earn back trust and respect simply by being trustworthy and respectful! When this happens the badges will be removed.

Trust and Respect are related to Tremr's Stars and Reputation system, which you can read more about here:

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