Activity and Notifications

Your Activity Feed

The bell icon at the top right of the screen will show you the number of unread items in your activity feed.

Clicking the icon opens up your activity feed sidebar. The top section shows you how many unique views your content has had over the previous 30 days. Below that is a list of all of the activity generated by your content and profile. This includes people following you and reacting to your posts. 

Clicking the Clear All link will mark all activity items as read and reset the unread items count on the bell icon.

Email Notifications

You can choose some or all of the notification types to also send you an email alert, so you'll be the first to know when the Tremr community is interacting with your content.

Clicking the Settings link opens the Notification Settings panel where you can manage which activities you'd like to generate email alerts. Simply check or uncheck the options, then click Done to save your changes.

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