Following and Reacting

Tremr is all about interaction, and there's a variety of ways you can connect and react to content on the site.


Every person and tag on Tremr can be followed. To follow a person, simply click the Follow button on their profile page.

This will launch a menu where you can choose to follow all posts from the person, or just a selection of one or more of their feeds.

Likewise, to follow a tag just click the Follow button on the tag page. When following a tag you will automatically follow the tag's Featured feed.

So what does following a person or tag actually mean?

Firstly it's a way to show your interest/support for the person or topic in question. Secondly, it's an easy way to keep up to date with content posted on Tremr. You'll notice that when you're logged into Tremr, the default page is My Tremr:

This is an up to date feed of posts from all of the people and tags that you're currently following. In effect it's your own personalised Tremr 'news feed'.

Likewise, your posts will appear on the My Tremr page of all of your followers. So following, and being followed, is a great way to stay on the pulse of the Tremr community, and get your content seen by a wider audience.

Reacting to Posts

When you're on a post page on Tremr you'll see the reaction bar beneath the post header:

The icons on the left are used to share the post on social media, email etc. The icons on the right are:

  • Upvote / Downvote. Click these to show how much you like (or dislike) the post. Each button can be clicked up to three times. So you can rate a post on a scale from +3 to -3.
  • Repost. Clicking the repost button will pop up the feed selector menu, so you can choose which feed(s) to repost to.
  • Bookmark. This is a quick way to bookmark an article you particularly like, or one you want to read later. You can access your bookmarks by clicking the bookmark icon on the Tremr homepage: 

  • More. Clicking the More icon (the three little dots) brings up a side menu with any additional options related to the post. The options in this menu will grow over time a new features are added to Tremr.

Reaction Tags

After clicking to Upvote / Downvote or Repost a post the Reaction Tags section will appear. Click as many tags as you like to show how you feel about the post:

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